First as a consultant and then as Executive Vice President, ENGAGE CEO Mike Bento created and led the first network-wide branding and marketing function in a federated network of 200 independent local non-profits. He developed a comprehensive branding and marketing strategy integrating internal communications, digital and social, traditional media outreach, advertising and cause related marketing.
Building on the brand platform, Mike developed a cause marketing program with blue-chip companies like P&G and The Gap, generating more than $1 million a year in unrestricted revenue and millions of dollars in advertising and marketing support, and secured major media placements including MSNBC Morning Joe, The New York Times, The Huffington Post and the Stanford Social Innovation Review.
Messaging at CIS involved creating communications strategies that strongly yet positively convey complex issues of educational opportunity, economic justice and structural racism in ways that could be understood by a range of audiences while at all times respecting the young people we served. Our yardstick was would a CIS student feel good about themselves if they were exposed to any of our communication.
To create a consistent shared narrative across the network, and to deliver the brand to external audiences, Mike served as the Executive Producer of this Brand Video
ENGAGE Strategies LLC
Communication that helps mission-driven clients achieve lasting results.
ENGAGE Strategies LLC